Decentralized Finance, popularly known as Defi is making the waves as a new era of finance where financial transactions and information is secured...
I have been a part of the India Guild for a while now and I am thoroughly enjoying the process of brainstorming ideas with my guild members and coming...
When we talk about DevOps, it is often thought of as a "package" that consists of tools and frameworks that make up the DevOps ecosystem....
A brief introduction to DevOps · When we think about deploying software, how long does it take for us to deploy a change that involves just one single...
Introducing EPoS by Harmony · Sharding and Proof of Stake are both becoming popular topics in the blockchain industry owing to the fact that both of...
एनएफटी की एक झलक 🎈 · NFTs(एनएफटीस), जिनको अंग्रेजी में non-fungible tokens भी कहा जाता है, आजकल बहुत प्रसिद्ध हो रहे हैं। आइए देखते हैं कि यह NFTs आखिर...